Aonghas Crowe

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Kotatsu Envy

What percent of homes have a kotatsu?

Ranking of those who "dream" of having a kotatsu.

1位 沖縄 (Okinawa)  63%

2位 北海道 (Hokkaidō) 60%

3位 東京 (Tōkyō)  53%

4位 神奈川 (Kanagawa) 50%

5位 愛知 (Aichi)  48%

No. 1 is easy to understand. In Okinawa, it never gets cold enough to need one. When we were shivering in freezing weather with a windchill of -4℃ a few days ago, it was about 20℃ in Naha.

No.2 Hokkaidō is interesting. Why would they long to have a kotatsu? Well, the reason is because they don’t need really them. For starters, homes and apartments in the northernmost prefecture are built for the local climate—i.e. better insulation, double-glazed windows, etc.. What’s more, heating is subsidized. (Need to fact check that.) My wife, who used to spend her winter breaks near Sapporo every year, remarked that even the room the toilet was in was always nice and toasty.

Meanwhile here in Fukuoka, I’m wearing my “longjohns”, have got the heater and electric carpet on high and I’m still cold.